Passion for the management of industrial networks with EUSGA
Manatís is consolidated as the Catalan agency of corporate communications, protocol, and events of preference of the European Seals and Gasket Association (also known as EUSGA). It became the main event planner in the Barcelona Convention in 2015, and after its success in the Graz Convention in 2018 and the Brunnen Convention in 2019, the current pandemic has made it impossible to perform the Beaujolais Convention 2020, which has been moved to 2021.
However, Covid-19 has not been an obstacle for either party, that coordinated their efforts to organize a virtual event last May.
That event got the same involvement it got during previous years, in which participants attended in-person. It meant step forward for Manatís in the development of a virtual solution to the need of associations to maintain their activities and networking among their members. The result got a positive answer by 90% of those who answered a poll made by the Association, who claimed to feel happy and comfortable with this new event format.
Manatis’ skills in the new communications and planning strategies allowed EUSGA to present, as it does every year, its agenda related to the sector. The different speakers shared a list of different topics that helped the associated members to be updated with the news and the affectations of the pandemic on the European and international markets.
Virtual events came to stay, becoming a new networking tool for agencies and companies due to the prohibitions applied. Even so, the world does not stop, and this event was a great demonstration of these two parties’ capability of adaptation. Society keeps going on despite the obstacles!
