Visual corporate identity is not just a set of colors and logos, it is everything that a brand gives us, a series of features that define the personality of a business.
Manatees has developed several design lines with a perfume bottle manufacturer. In carrying out this project, an economic adaptation has been made for various fairs in Monaco, Paris, Dubai and New York, helping to define the brand positioning and its differentiating attribute in each period. The main objective of our communication company was to update and give visibility to the brand, leaving behind the more industrial vision and building a corporate image more related to its sector, perfumery and cosmetics, but always taking its values as reference: innovation , leadership and modernity. For Manatís dressing a client is updating their image, creating a style that approximates their target audiences, entering the world of cosmetics, so that they stand out not only for their service, in such a competitive world where the difference facilitates the sale but for its character and image.
For more information contact Jacqueline Ruiz via email or by phone 931135821